Kevin's P@SOTI Sweepstake Page - Result

Argyle Away to Mansfield Town

Saturday 6th January 2001

This weeks scores:					
Argyle: 0 Mansfield: 0										
Attendance: 2321 					
The following Predictions were made					
									Crowd	Points		
 (James Corwooda 1 1 draw}			McGregor, McCarthorse, Stoney	3456	1		
 (Andy Laidlawa 2 1 win for Argyle}		McCarthy, McGregor, Friio		2813	1		
 (Steve Callawaya 3 1 win for Argyle}	McCarthy, McGregor, Beswetherick	3890	1		
 (Andy Blacketta 1 1 draw}			McCarthy, McGregor & Taylor	2963	1		
 (David Kinchin a 2 1 win for Argyle}	Stonebridge, McCarthy		2468	1		
 (Mark Haynesa 2 1 win for Argyle}		McARTHY,McGREGOR			4632	1		
 (Matt Andersona 1 1 draw}			mccarthy,stonebridge, mcgregor	2510	1		
 (Jes Wilcoxa 2 2 draw}			McCarthy, McGregor, Friio		3124	1		
 (Neil Keena 1 0 win for Argyle}		buster				4234	1		
 (John Shattocka 2 0 win for Argyle}	Maccarthy, Friio			3006	1		
 (Tim Hampthat Argyle would lose 2 0}	McGregor, McCarthy, Stonebridge	3987	1		
 (Kevin Andreolia 1 1 draw}		M Phillips, McGregor, McCarthy	2402	11 Crowd	
 (Mark Williamsa 2 1 win for Argyle}	McCarthy, Mc Gregor, Phillips	5432	1		
 (Steven Pedlowa 1 1 draw}			McGregor, McCarthy, Taylor		2581	1		
 (Stuart Bloyethat Argyle would lose 2 1}	McGregor, McCarthy, Wotton		2845	1		
 (Dawna 1 0 win for Argyle}		Friio, McCarthy, McGregor		2200	1		
 (Michael Doylea 2 1 win for Argyle}	MacCarthy and Wotton		3659	1		
 (Colin Harrisa 2 1 win for Argyle}		McGregor, McCarthy, Friio		3897	1		
 (Simon Nobbsa 2 2 draw}			McCarthy, McGregor, Wotton		3422	1		
 (Richard Smitha 3 1 win for Argyle}	McCarthy Mcgregor Watton		3574	1		
 (Michael Godwina 3 2 win for Argyle}	McCarthy, McGregor, Phillips	2999	1		
 (Neil Carhart a 2 1 win for Argyle}	McGregor, Buster, Friooo		2415	1		
 (Joe Fieldera 2 1 win for Argyle}		McCarthy, Friio			2950	1		
 (Roger Williamsa 5 0 win for Argyle}	Frio MacGregor MacArthy		2428	1		
 (Steve Wyatta 1 1 draw}			McCarthy, McGregor, Taylor		2598	1		
 (Nick Boltona 3 0 win for Argyle}		McCarthy,McGregor,Philips		2521	1		
No goals and no-one predicting the score means few points this week. The table looks like this:-					
Score	Name				
93	Tim Hamp				
84	Richard Smith				
74	Jes Wilcox				
67	Steven Pedlow				
65	James Corwood				
64	Matt Anderson				
63	Neil Braddon				
62	Steve Barrie				
59	Chris Dennis				
58	Andy Blackett				
57	Michael Doyle				
55	Neil Carhart				
55	Simon Nobbs				
51	Jason Ness				
50	Steve Wyatt				
48	Stuart Bloye				
47	David Kinchin				
47	Sean Jones				
46	Kevin Andreoli				
43	Mark Williams				
42	Colin Harris				
38	Michael Godwin				
36	Steve Callaway				
34	Martin Allen				
32	David Trevaskus				
28	Joe Fielder				
28	Nick McFarlane				
27	Andy Laidlaw				
27	Mike Salisbury				
26	Ian St John				
25	Neil Keen				
20	Dawn				
20	John Shattock				
18	Nick Bolton				
18	Peter Russell				
17	Mark Haynes				
17	Paul Ruse				
16	Mike Bidgood				
12	Mike Blackmore				
6	Michael Doherty				
4	Brian Luckham				
4	David Gadd				
4	Mark Sanders				
3	Nic Charlton				
3	Paul Crowley				
2	A.R. Davy				
1	Andy Soper				
1	Dan Maddock				
1	Keith Whitfield				
1	Mike Ford				
1	Robert Atkin				
1	Roger Williams				
In honour of a certain day at Wembley, the home game against Darlo will again be					
a chance to win a mug.  (They were temporarily out of stock last time I looked at					
the Argyle Shop website so Dave Gadd may be having trouble supplying the					
winners with their mugs.)					
The usual tie-breaks will apply.  Get those predictions in folks!					
Welcome to Roger Williams who made his first entry this week - You CAN still					
win the shirt!					

Cheers all
